The Sonosurgery® concept
It is owing to Dr. Ivo Agabiti’s intuitiveness, who successfully developed the “Sonosurgery®” vibrating surgical instrument system, which is widely used in various applications and techniques in oral and implant surgery.
These inserts were used on regular air sonic-vibrating handpieces for prophylaxis (air-scalers) mounted onto the dental unit air turbines cord.
Thereafter, all users of such instruments detected two main criticalities. Slow handpiece performance and lack of a practical and effective sterile irrigation system, always essential in the surgical field.
Together with the introduction of a surgical unit, the valorization of a powerful sonic handpiece (in surgery) and the creation of new insert forms have completed all elements to Sonosurgery® system, effectively solving previous problems encountered.

Sonosurgery® is an exclusively compressed air powered vibrating instrument system, hence totally free from all electrical elements.
The absence of electromagnetic waves guarantees the safety of such given surgical instruments even for people with implantable pacemakers and defibrillators.
The Sonosurgery airpowered handpiece has been purposely designed for surgical use, ermetically created to prevent the slightest air leakage excluding any risk of emphysema and embolism.
Irrigation is achieved by the nebulization of the irrigating liquid, vibrated by inserts.
The use of air-liquid spray, commonly emploied in turbines cooling and non-surgical electric motors is to be avoided. Proves extremely hazardous if used in surgery.
Sonosurgery® Air Power approximately vibrates at 6KHz frequency and needs 200gr thrust onto the operational hand-piece.
All inserts function optimally at a 200gr load, thus reducing friction and heat development and minimising the risk of bone thermal damage, moreover significantly improving its control and precision.
The Sonosurgery® Air Power with its frequency of a mere 6KHz, allows the construction of very thin but equally resistant inserts.
The barely thick 0.19mm micro-saws are extremely sharp and allow minimal bone removal during osteotomies.

Selective cut
The cut of each sonic inserts is bone tissue selected, while preserving soft tissues integrity owing to different consistency.
All vibrating inserts produce cutting or abrasion action by attrition onto bone due to its firmness compared to the inserts.
Nevertheless, the soft tissues moved synchronously with vibrating inserts become unmovable together and then undamaged.
Therefore, all soft tissues which can freely move together with instruments remain intact, a valid principle in all vibrating systems.
However, when soft tissues are firmly attached to the bone resulting to rigidity, can be easily damaged if elasticity limit is exceeded (inertia).
Operating thrust
The Sonosurgery® Air Power 6KHZ frequency vibrating hand-piece, when in use requires a mere 200 gr operating thrust, as excessive thrusting causes mitigation.
Unlike conventional rotating drilling, a negligible amount of axial thrust is required to advance the insert through the bone. Infact with only 200gr load (better if intermittent) works optimally, reducing attrition and consequent over-heating, minimising thermal bone damage risk.
Sonosurgery® Air Power 6KHz frequency hand-piece enables the formation of extremely thin and resistant inserts. All micro-saw blades are praised for their minimal thickness efficiency of 0.19mm, an essential instrument during osteotomies, assuring minimal bone removal.

Orbitting 3D oscillation
The 3D orbitting oscillations in Sonosurgery® Air Power’s are characteristic, thus rendering all surfaces operational and not tip only.
Infact, sufficiently push diamond inserts towards the desired lateral direction, as part of implant area preparation in order to obtain position or axis change in implant socket.
Insert features
Sonosurgery® Inserts are the vibrating instruments for bone surgery which produce minimal heat (data confirmed by literature), their sonic vibrating frequencies minimises friction and consequently bone overheating.
The 3D sonic movement complexity grants the formation of inserts at endless angles, allow multiple approaches, convenient for a better viewpoint in the areas of difficult surgical access.
The Sonosurgery® Inserts have better precise and safe operational control owing to light thrusting needed when in use; this prevents the sudden instruments “control” loss, whereas this occurs to devices were a stronger hand-piece thrust is required.